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Creative Social Strategy

Creative Social Strategy

We specialize in delivering creative strategies for influencer marketing campaigns, which are fully-optimised to achieve our clients’ specific business goals. We work across all social networks and know what it takes to make content go viral via multi-platforms

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Guaranteed Influencer Marketing ROI

Whether goal is to generate awareness of a new product, change consumer perceptions of a brand, or drive a target audience to visit a website, download an app, or make a purchase, we combine our own historical campaign data with current audience, influencer, and content insights - drawn directly from the major social networks - and wider industry trends, to identify a creative content strategy that will deliver our clients a guaranteed return on investment.

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Guaranteed Influencer Marketing ROI
Industry Leading Paid Media

Industry Leading Paid Media

In almost everything we do, we combine organic influencer marketing with paid media distribution; producing impactful content that reaches the influencer’s engaged users and is proven to resonate with consumers and that will deliver on our client’s business goal

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