Brand FAQs

The Mover And Shaker is a platform that connects social media influencers with brands to collaborate on campaigns together. This can be in the form of content created specifically for the brand to use exclusively or sponsored content that influencers post on their own social media channels. We support most social media platforms, including Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter and Youtube

We offer a roster of thousands of influencers that brands can partner with to create social ad campaigns content or custom photo and video content. We use our proprietary algorithm and dedicated platform to offer a best suited influencer that will create the right type of content and have the audiences that match your campaign or brand can also go for bidding for their campaign. Brand can onboard influencers for dedicated campaign , can review the content and approve before posting

Brand need to create their profile and than go to Post a campaign section . Brand can mention all the requirements according to the campaign and can select the influencers, invite them or can ask for the bid.

Photos are the most widely captured content format with Influencers. Photos are ideal for programs that are looking to generate strong awareness and consideration. Additionally, the photo format is ideal to be re-used across other channels (ie. your own social channels, website, etc.).

Videos are an excellent content format to drive strong consideration with consumers. Video allows Influencers to tell a highly engaging story about your brand, product, or service. Video is often the most expensive content format due to the higher level of effort and production required to produce high-quality content. The content creation turnaround time may also be longer than photos or stories.

Stories are great for telling light, engaging, and relatable stories through a series of multiple story frames. The story content format is ideal for driving clicks or acquisition (leveraging the “swipe up” feature which drives consumers to a specific destination). Stories perform well for live events and when brands need to launch a campaign against a quick timeline. Stories are often the most cost-effective format.

Carousels combine characteristics from the photo and story formats. They are excellent for driving strong consideration with consumers, and due to the multi-frame nature of this format, Influencers have the space to tell a deeper story than a standalone photo. Carousels are often more expensive than photos or stories. And while brands receive more pieces of content, you would only see one set of performance metrics for the format as it lives as a single post on Instagram

Small creators (5k - 25k followers) are ideal for hyper-local activations where you are looking to reach a highly targeted and localized audience. Given the more limited audience these influencers have, you might need to work with more at once to achieve a larger scale. An advantage to small influencers is they often have a deeper 1:1 connection with their followers; they have the ability to reply to more comments and messages, which strengthens the relationship they have with the tight-knit audience they’ve cultivated. The quality of content can vary.

Medium creators (25k - 100k followers) are ideal for moderately sized campaigns as they provide you with a strong reach at a fair price. Similar to small influencers, they have a strong 1:1 connection with their followers and often over-index with localized audiences. The quality of content is typically high quality.

Large creators (100k+ followers) are ideal for larger campaigns with larger budgets. These influencers are often working with a number of brands, and as such, might need more lead time to schedule your campaign. Large creators are often perceived as micro-celebrities and as such, hold a strong influence with the audience they’ve cultivated. Due to their prominence, they may be less flexible with custom requests from brands. They also have less of a 1:1 relationship with their followers (due to the difficulty of managing 1:1 relationship as a large scale). The quality of content is typically high quality.

Influencer's FAQs

The Mover and Shaker is a platform to connect Influenecers like you with brands that you already know and love. As an influencer, there are no fees to join The Mover and Shaker, and while we run collaborations across most social networks, we do require you to have a public profile and at least 5,000 Instagram followers in order to be eligible for brand collaborations. We also look for creators with an average engagement rate above 1.5%; however, there are exceptions. If you want to get started, navigate to sign up, create an account, and connect your Facebook and Instagram accounts.

  • Step 1 Register using your Mobile number , an OTP will be sent
  • Step 2 Add some profile details so we can get to know you *Your phone number will be used to contact you about upcoming campaign opportunties.
  • Step 3 Select your top categories so that we can match you with brands
  • Step 4 You're in! Now let's connect your Facebook & Instagram to be eligible for campaigns:
  • Step 5 Click "Continue with Facebook" to connect your Facebook Business Manager, Facebook Page, and Instagram Account:
  • Step 6 Add your Youtube URL to be eligible for campaigns on these platforms

The Mover and Shaker connects influencers with brands to create authentic, professional, and inspiring content. As an influencer, we believe that your time should be spent creating content and engaging with your audience, not hunting for collaborations and reaching out to dozens of brands each week. That's why at #paid, we bring collaborations to you.

Everything starts with a brand signing up and creating a project on the The Mover and Shaker platform. When they do that, they tell us about which types of creators they want to work with, what type of content they're after, and what their budget is. We then identify infilencer on the platform that appear to be a good fit. If you're in that group, we'll let you know and walk you through how to apply.

If your application is chosen, you'll then start collaborating with the brand directly on our platform. You'll create content for them and get paid based on the rate that you set on your profile and in your application